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The Romantic Nature of a Female ISTP: Parody Dating Profile


Ah, February, the month of love and romance, the month of roses and chocolates encased in red satin boxes.

The month of millions of singles crying out in pain and agony.

And eating ice cream.  (Apparently?)

Recently I wanted to write about “The Romantic Nature of a Female ISTP” (me).  But it became apparent anything I wrote would be “The Wailing Lament of the Frustrated, Single Female ISTP.  Without Much Discussion of Cognitive Functions.”

After all, one gets slightly more emotional and mopey when one wonders where her future husband is.  Much less analytical.  More likely to fling around haphazard cartoons with fanged lunacy than anything relatable to other ISTPs.  Assuming the mopeyness levels are low enough to draw stuff and not simply think of it. (Ha. Ha.)

I’m just gonna wail and lament and commiserate with other singles, and then I will get bored of emotions and finally read more about helicopters.

Yup, that’s how my emotions work.

That is one thing I can discuss about how my brain works.  Working with emotions and trying to express the fact that I have any interest whatsoever in meeting someone (of a very particular sort), is akin to me picking up a large bucket that weighs a ton.  There I am, scrunching my eyes and grunting as I lift it up, tip it over a trough, or whatever is sensible to pour water into, and down goes all the gushing water of my emotions!

One drop falls out.

It’s a very heavy drop.

But it’s only one drop.

Then I cast the bucket aside, utterly depleted and highly apathetic, and oh!  Look!  Technical details about how some inanimate object works! Perfect!

*Proceeds to ignore all of those things called people*

*Energy starts to recover*

A Sudden Idea

The thing is, a sudden thought occurred to me during the process of gathering ideas.  There’s this thing called online dating.

Technically it might be possible to try it out and meet someone.  But that would be weird.  It might require constantly saying “No” to a pile of people when I never had to enter that sphere of cyberland ever.

But then, if I did make a profile, I would use it as a conductor of humor.  Because I have no doubts that while I don’t like being single all the time, there are some aspects of my life that must be sorted out before someone else gets involved. Such as the fact that I don’t have a life. Slightly important that.

But how could I not make up a parody profile after that?

So I looked up some examples, and all I can say is, online dating sounds really boring, or maybe annoying.  It’s much more preferable to meet someone while you’re out questing and slaying dragons.  In person.  Right?  Definitely right.

Though partly I was kinda bored just cuz the profiles seemed to have a very simple format.  Just a little header line, paragraph, and a photo.  Not like a list of questions about yourself I could give snarky answers to.  Alas.

Behold, my Parody Dating Profile!

Empress_Jethan, Early 20’s

The Supreme Commander of Thren’s Universe



I like shiny swords, dragonslaying, dragon riding, defeating the forces of darkness, and exploring desolate, ancient ruins full of arcane mystery.  I have many storyworlds under my reign and may consider a royal alliance by marriage to mutually strengthen our holdings against the evil Writer’s Block.  I enjoy laughing maniacally at anything, as well as running away in fear when my characters get mad at me for cackling at their despair.

I bake brownies.  My other cooking skills are highly bland and questionable. [Did I mention it makes sense for me to be single right now?]

Also, what do you consider the possibility of WWIII happening, and how would you survive it?

All potential suitors* must disdain or despise open house plans and midcentury modern furniture.  Plus, I want a pink front door.

*And by potential suitors I mean the one suitor who actually makes sense for me.

Anyone know where my soul friend is?

*Crawls back into my shadowy cave of Highly Introverted Aloofness and hisses at all who approach*

Well, that was fun, I’ll probably do another post like this soon.  The next one will be about writing, however.

So, do you wish to lament your singleness as Valentine’s Day approaches?  Do you have any questions about how ISTPs deal with emotions?  Do you like ending on three questions rather than two?

12 thoughts on “The Romantic Nature of a Female ISTP: Parody Dating Profile

  1. Oh my word, that dating profile, though!!! 😂😂 It is absolutely PERFECT! It really encompasses all of your wonderfulness, Jethan! I absolutely love it! Also, did you post that on an ACTUAL dating site, or is this just for your blog? Either way, trolling dating websites sounds like wonderful fun… If I wasn’t so scared of potentially attracting some creepy person, I’d totally do it with you! XD I guess that’s why I have my pitchfork for protection, though…

    OOOOOOH! A pink front door!! I think I’d want mine to be green. And round. With a knob positioned DIRECTLY in the center…
    Basically I want to live in a hobbit hole. XD

    I don’t exactly wish to lament my singleness for Valentine’s day, but I do sometimes think about what it’ll be like when I find…*cough THE ONE cough*. I think for right now, I’m pretty content just being single. At least that way I can keep the giant teddy bears to myself. XD


    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you! 😀 It would be HILARIOUS to post it on a real dating site, but I only posted it on the blog. It just makes more sense, but at least all who read it can imagine the hilarity of joke profiles on real websites and no one has to deal with any annoying consequences or…talk to people…

      So, you’re Moriarty the Dragon from Hobbiton? This totally works… xD
      We must have fun, unique doors, whether in color or in shape!

      Heheh, yes, not all should be lamentation…but…where are our Ones?!!! (Off fighting dragons perhaps?) It is a struggle for me, for sure…unless there are jets flying around, then I don’t care at all. xD


      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ah, okay!!! And UGH, I know, right??? It would be hilarious!!! But also terrifying, because. . . *whispers* . . . PEOPLE. D:

        Pretty much. This is a very accurate description of me. XD
        YES!!!!!! I 100% agree!

        OOOOOH! If they are off fighting dragons, I can totally forgive their belatedness. XD But next time they totally need to just take us with them. They can’t be the only ones having adventures! >:) Oooh! All you need to do is stay wherever there are a bunch of jets, then!!! Or find a jet pilot… That could work, too. XD


        Liked by 1 person

      2. I’m going with the dragonslaying excuse, for sure. I probably just need to go drown in my stories and be productive while I have all this free time…


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      3. Same. XD AND UGH, YES. I keep procrastinating, but this is like the PERFECT time to work on my story!!! WHY MUST I PROCRASTINATE SO MUCH????? Curse you, procrastination…

        I know, right??? It’s terrible! XD

        Liked by 2 people

      4. I guess we’ll keep chatting and then launch forth into stories? Also, I’m listening to a song on repeat that really gets me into a story’s mode, so I’m trying to get that to permeate my brain so I will make stuff and not procrastinate.

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      5. The weird thing is, that is EXACTLY what happened to me today! QUICK! LET’S KEEP TALKING ABOUT OUR STORIES!!! XD Ooh! What’s the song? For the scene I’ve been working on today, I’ve been listening to Imagine Dragons and We Are Young by FUN on repeat. I have no idea why, but that song goes with this particular scene. XD

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      6. Well, here’s another comment, but the timing may be wrong. xD I haven’t done anymore drawing, but…I went jogging.
        The song is “Legend” by Armando Morabito. It makes me think of heroic stuff…and tragedy. >:D ;_;

        Liked by 1 person

      7. Jogging is definitely a good thing. *nods wisely*

        Ooh! I must look this song up! I think I’m going to try and tackle all of the playlists that I’ve been meaning to listen to today. It might make for some good writing music. XD

        Liked by 2 people

  2. *also procrastinates from doing schoolwork*

    This was HILARIOUS. XD I am dead. (not from slaying dragons, sadly- though that would be quite the acceptable and honorable death) One of these days, I might get a phone and troll a few online dating sites. But maybe not. A few dating sites have like a tracking/homing device in them now, and I would be terrified if a creepy stalker man came to my door. (not like I answer the door anyway, unless it’s a pre-planned thing with my friends)

    I’m an ENFP, so i don’t know much about the ways of the elusive ISTP’s. TEACH ME, SENSEI!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hang in there, someday it will END! *Flings notebooks around*

      Thank you! I’m so glad you had fun.
      Ewww, stay away from the sites that track you! Why does every app try to track you?! *Wraps self in aluminum foil and contemplates what conspiracy is behind this* xD
      At least we can troll dating sites in our imaginations. (Doorbells and phone calls are always to be avoided.)

      I may need to write a post about being an ISTP then…*Begins plotting a post* But the short, cliche version is that we’re cold, aloof assassin robots that like to fiddle with anything mechanical. And we don’t talk much. (I write a ton more than I ever say.)
      We like to be detached and logical and it usually involves being unfeeling to some extent. Until suddenly something stabs us in the feels and at least I can turn sappy at times. It’s in short bursts.
      I will have to figure out a post for it! ^.^

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